Proverbs 24:3-4

By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established;

through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.

Proverbs 24:3-4

Friday, April 20, 2012

Our first year homeschooling

Whew! What a year! This first year homeschooling has been a whirlwind of an adventure. There have been a lot of ups, a lot of downs, and it has been a huge learning experience for all of us! When we first started, I had NO idea how this was going to work... with a 4 year old perfectionist who desperately feared failure and didn't even want to TRY ANYTHING he didn't know how to do, and a 2 year old (turned 3 mid school year) who was into EVERYTHING, and a newborn who relied on me every second of everyday. All I know is that the Lord was leading us down this path and... when things seem impossible and you just obediently follow God's will for your life not knowing how it's going to work... God shows off! He has blessed us in ways I never imagined.

The growth and change I've seen in Connor has been amazing! He used to whine every time it was time for school. He cried hysterically if he couldn't write the letter A perfectly the very first time he tried.  And so on. So our first goal before we could even begin academics, was to teach him the importance of a good, positive attitude and that practice makes perfect... and its ok to laugh at yourself if you try to make an A and it looks like a dog. :) And we laughed, A LOT!  It didn't take long and he was getting the hang of our new routine.  He stopped complaining and started asking, "Can we do school now?"  Ofcourse, we still have our struggles sometimes and we are learning how to deal with each one as they arise, just as we dealt with that one. God continues to provide answers.

The other surprise has been how much Dylan loves and wants to participate in school, too. I had to buy him some pre-k workbooks so he could be a big boy doing school right along with Connor. He likes to work on projects, colors, shapes, letters, counting, etc. He has learned a lot and enjoys it so much that I may start doing K4 with him this next school year even though he will still be 3 when we start. He may not be able to do everything yet, but that's ok... I just want to go ahead and take advantage of this love for learning he has. I have absolutely no idea how that will work because Dylan is SO stubborn strong-willed. Can't wait to see God show off!!

One of the biggest blessings this year has been Classical Conversations. The curriculum is amazing and I loved having the entire year planned out. I loved that Connor was able to go to class with other students his age who were following the same curriculum and participate in art projects and science projects each week. I loved that he gave a presentation each week and has become so comfortable with speaking in front of a group. I also love classical education and how much he has been able to commit to memory! But beyond all of these things, I have loved our CC families! They have become an extension of our family. Everyone (without exception) in this group has blessed our family in one way or another. Without them, I would NEVER have ventured out on the field trips we were able to go on. These moms just stepped up when I needed them (without me even having to ask) and took my children under their wings... and mothered them. What an amazing act of love for me and them! Even their daughters would plead to hold the baby to which I responded, "YES, please!" And their sons opened doors for me whether I had my hands full or not. Actually, just tonight one young man opened the door for me and when I said, "thank you," his response was, "it's my pleasure." WOW! Can I sign my boys up for lessons?? :) Those are the boys I want influencing my boys... and they are!

Here are some pictures from CC class (Abecedarians - Mrs. Garrison, Kenyon, Kalyn, and Connor):

The nursery with Ms Marita (Dylan, Chase, Jace, Keira, and Kenzie):

Tonight we had our CC end-of-year celebration. The children were recognized for their achievements this year as were the tutors, moms, and our amazing CC director! The children were also able to recite some of the facts they memorized this year. It was a little sad that this was the end of the school year... but now I'm looking forward to next year.  And for those who aren't returning next year... we will remain close because of the bond we've formed this year.

Here is Connor ready to go to the EOY celebration:

And then he made me take one with his shades... cool dude!

Picture with mom and dad:

Connor - Congratulations on completing your first year of school! You have done such a great job and you have learned SO much! You're now a Kindergartener!! What a terrific young man you are becoming!

Dylan - You have been so much fun this year! You have an amazing love for learning and you have so much zeal and energy! It may take Mommy a little while to figure out the best way to teach you... but please be patient with me. We can't wait to see the great things you will do!

Sam - You have a little while before you officially start "school," but you are going to learn so much from your big brothers. They can't wait to teach you the things they are learning now... Mommy is hoping you learn from their mistakes and don't repeat them. :)

We love you boys SO much! You have blessed our lives more than you will ever know and we know you will all grow to be AMAZING young men! Please remember: put the Lord first in ALL you do, we will always love you no matter what, and never stop learning.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Strawberry pickin' and jammin'

We went on a field trip to a strawberry farm on Tuesday with our CC group (and just a shout out to my CC family for rescuing me that morning!). It started a little rough, but Connor and Dylan ended up having a wonderful time picking (thank you, Rachel!) and even Sam was very happy (thank you, Chele!). We ended up with a lot of strawberries... and they were so tasty... so we ended up making freezer jam with them.  Here are a few pics:

The strawberry field (part of it anyway):

Connor picking strawberries:

Dylan picking strawberries:

Connor and Dylan crushing the strawberries

Crushed strawberries (after this we added the hot sugar/pectin/water mixture):

Strawberry jam:

Now praying we did it right!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A hard week.

I have been posting a lot lately about stuff we have going on... projects, school stuff, fun ideas, play time... and that's because those are great things I want to look back on and remember and reflect on.  But I want to make sure I also post about the challenges. I don't want to look back at these posts years from now and have it not feel "real" to me because, although we do have a lot of fun, we also have hard days... and even hard weeks.

I always feel so guilty complaining about things going on in my life. I see so much hurt and heartache all around me and situations that are so much more difficult than anything I am going through... or have ever gone through for that matter. I see those things and I think, "I need to stop complaining whining and count my blessings!!" Plus, staying at home with my children is something I chose and it's something that I love and wouldn't change for the world. But, the truth is that we all have hard seasons in our own lives - some last only a day and some last much longer. These trials are ones that the Lord allows us to go through and He has a purpose for each and every one... from just having a very stressful day to the worst tragedies we can imagine. No matter what the trial, though, they all affect us. And every trial is important because we are being refined through each one. We all have to make decisions on how we are going to handle these trials. Will we turn away from God or run into His arms? Will we question God's will and power and take control ourselves or will we trust Him and allow Him to guide us through these trials knowing He will see us through and perfect us as we come out on the other side? Will we lean on our own strength (which will fail us every time) or will we lean on the strength of our Creator, the Lover of our souls, and the Weaver of the tapestries of our lives?

This week I lost sight of those important decisions. It's very hard to stop and think about these questions when we are in the midst of the fog. And although I'd love to pawn the fault of my hard week off onto something or someone else... I think the biggest contributor to this week being hard was... ME. Yes, my boys have given me a run for my money this week, but they are kids... they're going to need correction and guidance and discipline.  But, I have been in the wrong frame of mind. I haven't had a good attitude.

I've stayed up late instead of going to bed when I needed to.  I've slept in instead of getting an early start to my day when I can be alone (to work out, have quiet time, take a shower, have coffee, etc.). Instead I wake up when the kids do and try to cram all of that into my morning and get upset when I don't have time for it. AND get upset with them because they want this and need that while I'm still groggy and cranky (I'm not a very good morning person). This just starts the day off wrong and it's hard to recover from it. It sets the tone for the rest of the day. I've also taken on a lot of projects... which I don't want to change because I do need something "for me" so I don't lose myself in the needs and wants of everyone else.  I hope that doesn't sound selfish. But, when I go out to dinner with just my husband and the ONLY things I have to talk about have to do with our children... it makes me sad. I LOVE talking about our children, but I also want to be able to talk about other things, too. Anyway... it's just a lot. I need to be able to work on my projects... but I also need to be able to put them to the side when things start to get stressful. I have a hard time with putting them to the side because unfinished projects stress. me. out. I don't know why. They just do.

My prayer tonight is that the Lord will help me to have the will and strength to get up when my alarm goes off... that He will help me remember those important questions when I go through trials (even the trial of a stressful day)... that I will answer those questions in a way that is pleasing to Him... that He will help me recognize when I need to put a project to the side... I will thank Him for anything that brings me closer to Him, even if it's hard... and I will thank Him for loving me enough to want me to be closer to Him.

Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him. James 1:12

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Fun with a hose!

Last week I was watering our veggies and flowers and Connor, Dylan and Evi (my friend's daughter) wanted in on the fun, so I obliged... and I pulled out my phone and made a few videos:

Dylan and Evi:

Evi having fun:

Mommy having fun!

Now everyone's having fun :)

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Kids' Closets - 31 Day Challenge update

Today I'm summing up days 7-13 of the 31 day challenge I've taken on to get our home organized! Here's the link again: 31 Days to an organized home.  The main focus will be on day 13 - the kids' closets - because days 7-12 are mostly advice on defining clutter, what to keep and what not to keep.

Day 7 - DIY pocket organizer - this is a good idea, but I am not good at sewing yet. Maybe this will be a good project when I get better, but until then, I think I'll be on the lookout for a good deal on a shoe holder that hangs on the door.

Day 8 - Defining clutter - one quote that I really liked in this section was "Have nothing in your houses that you don't know to be useful or believe to be beautiful." William Morris  This has helped me the past few days as I've been going through "stuff" and trying to decide what to keep and what to get rid of.

Day 9 - Permission to let go and to keep. She gives a great summary of  things that we tend to hold on to that maybe we should let go of and she also talks about not feeling bad about keeping things that inspire and delight you. It was a good read!

Day 10 - Sometimes you just have to live with it. I LOVED this one! Sometimes life gets busy... and crazy... and messy... and that's OK!

Day 11 - Kids socks - this was talking about getting all the same kind of socks so you don't have to hunt for the matches. Great idea! I don't think I'll throw away all of the kids' current socks... but going forward I'm definitely loving this idea.

Day 12 - Kids' clothes, rule of 3 - this section basically talked about only keeping 3 (or whatever # you choose) of each kind of clothing item (3 t-shirts, 3 polos, 3 pair of jeans, etc.). I didn't go through my kids clothes and do this as far as choosing a specific number... BUT, I did go through and pull out all of the clothes that no longer fit either of them or are out of season so that when we're picking out clothes, we're not having to sort through the ones that aren't even an option. Those are going to be stored for now... YAY.


I may have had to sit on the lid and it may be bulging, but its on!

Day 13 - Kids closet inspiration - and I was inspired! Here are the closets "after". I didn't remember to do a "before" and I wasn't going to mess it up again just for a picture! :)  I think there are still a few things I want to change/add, but this is a vast improvement from their previous state.

Connor and Dylan's closet (all of those empty hangers used to be full of clothes - and there are more behind the door. It looks MUCH better now.)

Shelves from Home Depot inside 1 side. They're not beautiful... but they're inside a closet... and they were under $15!

 A reading nook on the other side. They LOVE this!

Sam's closet.

More shelves from Home Depot on 1 side.  (The other side is just storage bins so no pic.)

Reorganized the changing table, too, with baskets.

I went ahead and did the linen closet in their bathroom, too. I think linen closets are Day 26, but I had the time which is rare... so I took advantage. :)

There is a large pile of stuff that needs to leave my house now - very happy about that! Some we will give away, and other stuff I'm saving for a yard sale.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Our little garden

The past couple of years we have grown a few veggies in earth boxes, but we decided to expand just a little and build a couple of raised beds. We started our vegetable plants from seeds this year (we usually just buy plants that are already started) so we're hoping they're successful. We wanted Connor and Dylan to be involved in the whole process so they could see how we get big, beautiful (hopefully) vegetables from tiny seeds and how grand God's design is! They helped us plant the seeds in pellets and we prayed over them. Then they helped us prepare the soil in the beds (and ofcourse their favorite part was worm hunting!). And, then they helped us plant and fertilize the vegetable plants. When the vegetables grow they will help us pick them, store them, and cook them. It's so amazing to see them learn so much!

Here are some pictures from our little garden adventure so far:

 Worm hunting!

 Found some!!


And fertilizing.

And digging.

Sam chilled.

And ate grass.

And cooed.

And melted my heart!

When Dylan got bored with gardening, he chilled with Sam.

And jumped on the trampoline.

I had to get my hands in the dirt, too.

And done! 
(Molly the dog worked hard, too, apparently)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Resurrection Eggs

One of my favorite tools for teaching our kiddos about Easter is Resurrection Eggs!  I think you can buy them... but we made ours and the kids help fill the eggs with the things that represent different parts of the story leading up to the Resurrection. Then each day during the week leading up to Easter, we retell the story and open each egg at the appropriate time in the story. It really helps them to remember it when they have visual reminders and can touch and feel.

So I thought I'd share it...

I took an egg carton and some scrapbook paper and made a package to keep them in.

Each egg is numbered with the order in which they are to be opened and I made a cheat sheet at the top to help me remember what is in each egg. The kids have a much better memory than I do. :)

In each egg is something to represent each part of the story leading up to and including Jesus' resurrection. I'm also inluding the verses we use, but in a lot of parts I just summarize what's happening in a way they can better understand.
  1. A small branch with leaves to represent Palm Sunday - John 12:12-13
  2. A small wash cloth to represent Jesus washing the disciples feet - John 13:1-17 (the kids take turns pretend washing each other's feet with the cloth)
  3. A dime to represent Judas betraying Jesus - Matthew 26:14-16
  4. A cracker to represent Jesus' body (The Last Supper) - Matthew 26:26
  5. A small cup to represent Jesus' blood (The Last Supper) - Matthew 26:27-28
  6. A rubberband to represent the whips used on Jesus (this one is very delicate and I get the most questions and concerns starting here - we just explain how Jesus knew about this and how all of this was necessary for us to spend eternity with Him in heaven and because He loves us SO much, He was willing to do whatever it took for us to get to be with Him forever) - Luke 22:63-65
  7. A branch of only thorns to represent the crown of thorns - Matthew 27:28-30
  8. A cross made of sticks to represent the cross on which Jesus was crucified - Mark 15:21-39
  9. A piece of gauze to represent the linens Jesus wore - John 19:23
  10. A die to represent the soldiers casting lots for His linens - John 19:24
  11. A stone to represent the stone in front of the tomb - Matthew 27:59-60
  12. Empty... HE IS RISEN! Matthew 28:1-10

The angel said to the women, "Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay." Matthew 28:5-6