Proverbs 24:3-4

By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established;

through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.

Proverbs 24:3-4

Our kid-isms

Everybody knows that kids say the darndest things! So I thought I would keep a record of some of the things heard in our household... these kids keep us in stitches!  I'm starting with the most recent ones and trying to think back (most of the dates are approximate)...

Connor: Mom, can you help me find something invisible?
Mom: If its invisible, how are we supposed to find it?
Connor: We'll just look in every room.
Mom: But if we can't see it, how will we find it?
Connor: Hmmmm. I guess we'll just walk around and see if we trip over anything.

I stepped on the scale...
Connor: How big are you getting?
Mom: Too big, I need to get smaller.
Connor: When I eat all of my food, it makes me bigger. Maybe you should spit all of your food out.

Mom: Connor, I haven't heard Dylan in a while. Please go check on him and let me know what he's doing.
Connor: (after leaving and coming back) He's just brushing his teeth over and over and over.  He's so weird.

We were out to lunch after church and Connor was complaining about his chicken being too hot:
Dad: Connor, I don't want to hear you complaining any more.
Connor: Well, cover your ears.

Connor and Dylan each have a stuffed bunny...
Connor: What is his name?
Mom: I don't know. Maybe you should give him a name.
Connor: I want to name him Evil Dr. Doofenshmirtz (from Phineas and Ferb)
Mom: (laughing) and Dylan, what do you want to name your bunny?
Dylan: Hmmmmm. I want to name him Tower of Babby.
Mom: Do you mean Tower of Babel?
Dylan: Yes. Tower of Babel.
Mom: Why do you want to name him that?
Dylan: Cause I don't know what he say.
(Can you tell we've been learning about the Tower of Babel?  We call him Babby for short) :)

During family worship we were talking about Genesis 35 when Jacob returns to Bethel. We explained how it was a really long way and they had to walk through the desert with children and animals so it must have taken a long time...
Connor: No, I think they rode dune-buggies. Yeah, I'm pretty sure they had dune buggies then.

October 2011
Dylan is trying to hug Connor...
Connor: Stop it Dylan. I don't want you to do that right now.
Dylan: I tan't help it Tonnor... I just wuv you!

July 2011
Connor is in the bathroom and Dylan opens the door to go in:
Connor: Get out of here Dylan.
Dylan: Why Tonnor?
Connor: (sigh) Because I don't trust you.

June 2011
Connor: I wanna rock!
Mom: What?
Connor: I wanna rock!
Mom: You want a rock??
Connor: No, I want to rock, but I don't have a guitar! (as he starts to cry).

May 2011
I was cutting up watermelon tonight...
Connor: Is that watermelon
Mom: Yes it is.
Connor: Oh, I love watermelon because its so wet!

April 2011
Connor: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Mom: What are you thinking?
Connor: That you need to turn on a movie for me.
Mom: No, I wasn't thinking that.
Connor: You are now...

March 2011
As part of our lessons, the boys and I concentrate on a different letter of the alphabet each week and we make a scrapbook page for each letter. This week is "T" and I asked Connor to help me find pictures of T words to print. I suggested a target and asked him if he knew what a target was. He said "Yeah! It's a place that sells toys!"

February 2011
Connor: Mom, I want to play this game.
Mom: OK, I like that game. Its called Chutes and Ladders.
Connor: Yeah! I want to shoot some ladders.

December 2010
Connor: Mom come up here and look what Dylan is doing. You said to clean up and he's making a mess.
Mom: Hold on just a minute and I will come up.
Connor: But, now. You need to come up here right now.
Mom: (in a stern voice) Connor.
Connor: (with head down) I'm gonna hush.

November 2010
We went to a Chinese restaurant and at the end of the meal Connor opened his fortune cookie and said, "Mine says I'm getting a toy!"