Proverbs 24:3-4

By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established;

through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.

Proverbs 24:3-4

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Thankful for a fussy baby

Yep, that's right... Tonight I am thankful for a fussy baby. Sounds strange right? Let me explain...

Tonight I was planning on posting pictures from our vacation... or maybe the pictures from our 4th of July celebration... or Chris' birthday (OK, so I'm a little behind on posting!).  But, baby Sam was not a happy camper this evening. He's getting over a double ear infection and a cold, but the antibiotic he's taking makes his little tummy hurt. So, he has had some very unhappy moments in the past week. :(  Tonight was one of those moments. We've also had a very busy weekend so he is super exhausted. I tried laying him down around 7:30 like usual, but he just cried, and cried, and cried some more, which is not usual for him. I always lay him down when he's awake because he won't fall asleep on me; he wants to be in his bed. A lot of people say that's a good thing... but it makes me kind of sad I can't rock him to sleep.

I brought him back downstairs and tried feeding him... didn't work. I tried rocking him in the living room... didn't work.  I tried walking around with him... didn't work. So, after Connor and Dylan were all tucked in, I took him outside and he finally calmed down (going outside usually does - he loves it - come to think of it, all of my babies did). We spent the next hour and a half swinging. At first he was wide awake. We talked, tickled, giggled, sang, and loved on each other. As he started winding down, I sang to him, prayed over him, and just kept swinging. Finally, he found rest and surrendered his tired body to sleep.

I really don't know how to describe it. For me, it was magical. It was beautiful. It was the most precious 90 minutes of my day... of my week. I don't get much time to spend with just him. It stays pretty busy around our house and time to just sit and rock/swing our baby just doesn't come around all that often. Even when I'm nursing him, I'm usally doing something else too... you know... always multitasking! But, tonight... tonight the Lord blessed me with that sweet, precious time. Time I wouldn't have had with him if he had just fallen asleep when I layed him down. So, tonight, I am very thankful for a fussy baby... who is now sleeping tight.

Sweet dreams precious baby of mine.

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