Proverbs 24:3-4

By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established;

through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.

Proverbs 24:3-4

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

31 day challenge - getting organized!

I saw this blog... on pinterest ofcourse... 31 days to an organized home. I thought, oh, I know how to organize... its just finding time to do it that is the problem.  But I checked it out anyway thinking, "I can add on my pointers in the comment section."  Bahahahahahaha! I read this blog and realized - I am NOT organized! This lady has got it together! So, I am taking on the challenge! I know I will probably miss a day here and there because that's just the way it goes around here. But, I am still going to do each day... in order... and promise myself not to get ahead of myself. I will ONLY do 1 of the days each day.

OK, I already broke that promise a little bit today, but it was for good reason! :)

Day 1 is basically just an introductory day explaining the good reasons for staying organized... which I loved! So since I was motivated to get started I went on to Day 2 - the coat closet. Well, as I was doing that one, it kind of bled over into our master closet so I really did both of those today (see, promise broken).

Here is our coat closet before:

I know... NOT organized. You can't tell too much, but, first of all it's a VERY small closet. For some reason all of our closets are small. (Mental note - next house - bigger closets!)  Anyway, there is luggage all in the floor stacked up. You would have to pull it all out to find the one you're looking for.  Also in the floor is a ship wheel. Seems kind of odd, but the boys room has a nautical theme and we're going to hang it on their wall... eventually. There are A LOT of coats, most of them we never wear. On top, extra rolls of paper towels, and a bunch of little odds and ends.

So, I started with the coats and only left the ones in there that we wear often. Some I put in the donate pile and some I moved to our master closet - which is why I needed to go ahead and do that one, too.) :)  I put all of the paper towel rolls and put them on the shelf over our washer and dryer where I keep cleaners. I also took out all of the odds and ends (most of which can be donated). I took out all of the luggage and put the smallest pieces inside the larger pieces and put those up on top. The thing hanging on the inside of the closet I like so I kept it there. It has art project "stuff" in it. I put a container on the top shelf for gloves. The last thing I did is put all of our shoes in the closet. I had not thought of doing this before until I read the "31 days..." blog, but it makes great sense and it saves me room in our master closet (which is also SMALL).

Here is the coat closet now:

Here is the master closet now:

There is still more room on the top shelf if I need to store anything else.

Here are the bags of stuff to donate!

Most of this is from the master closet, but there are a few things from the coat closet. The luggage bag is full of stuff, too.

Day 2: coat closet - Check!

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