Proverbs 24:3-4

By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established;

through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.

Proverbs 24:3-4

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

31 day challenge update... and a poem for the scatterbrain mom!

First, let me start by giving an update on the 31 day challenge to get organized, then we can get to the poem. The coat closet was day 2 and it's complete (as well as the master closet). Days 3-6 I'm going to clump together in 1 post because there isn't much of an update! (Here is the link again for the blog I'm following to do this: 31 days to an organized home.)

Day 3 - 3 basket tip - This was basically a tip to give items a home that easily get piled up and cause disorganization. The suggestion was for the laundry room - like a basket for dry-clean and hand-wash clothes, a basket for items to mend, and a basket for items to donate. Well, we don't dry-clean or hand-wash anything... I try to avoid clothes that require this type of care.  I know - sad - but true. If something needs to be mended, I usually do it right then and put it back up so I don't really need a basket for this either. And, when I go through stuff and make a pile to donate... it's not gonna fit in a little basket. BUT... I definitely need baskets for other stuff. The example she gave in the blog was simply that... an example. I can definitely find other ways to use this tip around our house and I definitely plan to use it. Our dining room catches everything and usually gets piled up very quickly. So I think I will do 3 baskets in there. Still just trying to think of what I'll label them. Plus, I need to buy baskets. So this day is currently on hold.

Day 4 - How to apply contact paper - I have never used contact paper and I don't really plan to; but if I ever have a need, I will definitely refer back to this day of the blog. She has it down to an art. :)

Days 5 and 6 - Pantries and Kitchen - I was a little discouraged when I read this one. Her pantries and kitchen are immaculate... and big! I have an extremely small pantry and very limited cabinet space so there is only so much I can do in these 2 areas. I feel as though I have as much fit into my kitchen spaces as possible and they don't look too horrid... so I'm not doing much of anything in these areas.

OK, now, onto the story about this poem...

I have a dear friend who has been teaching me a little here and there about quilting.  I was over at her house and she was teaching me to "meander".  It was not all that easy at first, but I could see it getting easier with practice. Anyway, I started thinking about meandering and thought... this is how I feel like my days go! No real direction some days and lots of twists and turns. This is why I do so many organization projects and notebooks and lists (refer to my blog - I yam what I yam). I am in a constant search to find ways to organize our home and our lives. I am a scatterbrain and desperately NEED these things to keep myself on track, but a lot of days, I'm not on track even with all of these things!

So, I wrote this poem to all the scatterbrain moms out there like me. (Just remember this poem is written in good fun and I was smiling as I wrote it.) :)  Feel free to add on another verse! :)

Where is my mind? Where did it go?
These kids have hidden it around here somewhere, I know.
Is it under the couch or perhaps the bed?
We need a lost and found for the contents of my head.

I’m scattered beyond measure.
How do I make it through the day?
The Lord must be with me
Is all I know to say.

Lord, please give me the skills
To organize this home.
For if I continue in this pattern
I will only meander, wander, and roam.

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