Proverbs 24:3-4

By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established;

through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.

Proverbs 24:3-4

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Somebody Needs to Bring Me a Lemon!

Well, I have not been the most patient person today... and my children have definitely been trying it (1 in particular - I won't name names, but his name rhymes with chillin').  Anyway, we have all of the fruits of the spirit represented on a different piece of fruit:

  • Love - a strawberry (fruit of love - think chocolate covered strawberries)
  • Joy - a pineapple (they have a happy smell)
  • Self-control - an apple (think Garden of Eden)
  • Peace - a "piece" of watermelon (play on words)
  • Goodness - a banana (because they are just so yummy!)
  • Kindness - grapes (because you can share them)
  • Faith - cherries (not really sure why cherries on this one) :)
  • Gentleness - a peach (they bruise easily)
  • Patience - a lemon (you have to eat it slowly)
So, we have all of the fruit on the fridge with magnets and when one of us needs to be better about demonstrating a certain fruit, someone in the family may bring them the appropriate piece of fruit as a reminder.

Today, I need somebody to bring me a lemon! I recognize that its something I have not been demonstrating very well today and I'm praying that God will provide the patience I need. Some days with 3 littles are very difficult, but I am so very thankful for every moment with them.  Even the hard days are blessings because they are learning experiences and it is on those days that I cling to my Father and draw closer to Him.

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