Proverbs 24:3-4

By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established;

through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.

Proverbs 24:3-4

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Kids' Closets - 31 Day Challenge update

Today I'm summing up days 7-13 of the 31 day challenge I've taken on to get our home organized! Here's the link again: 31 Days to an organized home.  The main focus will be on day 13 - the kids' closets - because days 7-12 are mostly advice on defining clutter, what to keep and what not to keep.

Day 7 - DIY pocket organizer - this is a good idea, but I am not good at sewing yet. Maybe this will be a good project when I get better, but until then, I think I'll be on the lookout for a good deal on a shoe holder that hangs on the door.

Day 8 - Defining clutter - one quote that I really liked in this section was "Have nothing in your houses that you don't know to be useful or believe to be beautiful." William Morris  This has helped me the past few days as I've been going through "stuff" and trying to decide what to keep and what to get rid of.

Day 9 - Permission to let go and to keep. She gives a great summary of  things that we tend to hold on to that maybe we should let go of and she also talks about not feeling bad about keeping things that inspire and delight you. It was a good read!

Day 10 - Sometimes you just have to live with it. I LOVED this one! Sometimes life gets busy... and crazy... and messy... and that's OK!

Day 11 - Kids socks - this was talking about getting all the same kind of socks so you don't have to hunt for the matches. Great idea! I don't think I'll throw away all of the kids' current socks... but going forward I'm definitely loving this idea.

Day 12 - Kids' clothes, rule of 3 - this section basically talked about only keeping 3 (or whatever # you choose) of each kind of clothing item (3 t-shirts, 3 polos, 3 pair of jeans, etc.). I didn't go through my kids clothes and do this as far as choosing a specific number... BUT, I did go through and pull out all of the clothes that no longer fit either of them or are out of season so that when we're picking out clothes, we're not having to sort through the ones that aren't even an option. Those are going to be stored for now... YAY.


I may have had to sit on the lid and it may be bulging, but its on!

Day 13 - Kids closet inspiration - and I was inspired! Here are the closets "after". I didn't remember to do a "before" and I wasn't going to mess it up again just for a picture! :)  I think there are still a few things I want to change/add, but this is a vast improvement from their previous state.

Connor and Dylan's closet (all of those empty hangers used to be full of clothes - and there are more behind the door. It looks MUCH better now.)

Shelves from Home Depot inside 1 side. They're not beautiful... but they're inside a closet... and they were under $15!

 A reading nook on the other side. They LOVE this!

Sam's closet.

More shelves from Home Depot on 1 side.  (The other side is just storage bins so no pic.)

Reorganized the changing table, too, with baskets.

I went ahead and did the linen closet in their bathroom, too. I think linen closets are Day 26, but I had the time which is rare... so I took advantage. :)

There is a large pile of stuff that needs to leave my house now - very happy about that! Some we will give away, and other stuff I'm saving for a yard sale.

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