Proverbs 24:3-4

By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established;

through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.

Proverbs 24:3-4

Friday, April 20, 2012

Our first year homeschooling

Whew! What a year! This first year homeschooling has been a whirlwind of an adventure. There have been a lot of ups, a lot of downs, and it has been a huge learning experience for all of us! When we first started, I had NO idea how this was going to work... with a 4 year old perfectionist who desperately feared failure and didn't even want to TRY ANYTHING he didn't know how to do, and a 2 year old (turned 3 mid school year) who was into EVERYTHING, and a newborn who relied on me every second of everyday. All I know is that the Lord was leading us down this path and... when things seem impossible and you just obediently follow God's will for your life not knowing how it's going to work... God shows off! He has blessed us in ways I never imagined.

The growth and change I've seen in Connor has been amazing! He used to whine every time it was time for school. He cried hysterically if he couldn't write the letter A perfectly the very first time he tried.  And so on. So our first goal before we could even begin academics, was to teach him the importance of a good, positive attitude and that practice makes perfect... and its ok to laugh at yourself if you try to make an A and it looks like a dog. :) And we laughed, A LOT!  It didn't take long and he was getting the hang of our new routine.  He stopped complaining and started asking, "Can we do school now?"  Ofcourse, we still have our struggles sometimes and we are learning how to deal with each one as they arise, just as we dealt with that one. God continues to provide answers.

The other surprise has been how much Dylan loves and wants to participate in school, too. I had to buy him some pre-k workbooks so he could be a big boy doing school right along with Connor. He likes to work on projects, colors, shapes, letters, counting, etc. He has learned a lot and enjoys it so much that I may start doing K4 with him this next school year even though he will still be 3 when we start. He may not be able to do everything yet, but that's ok... I just want to go ahead and take advantage of this love for learning he has. I have absolutely no idea how that will work because Dylan is SO stubborn strong-willed. Can't wait to see God show off!!

One of the biggest blessings this year has been Classical Conversations. The curriculum is amazing and I loved having the entire year planned out. I loved that Connor was able to go to class with other students his age who were following the same curriculum and participate in art projects and science projects each week. I loved that he gave a presentation each week and has become so comfortable with speaking in front of a group. I also love classical education and how much he has been able to commit to memory! But beyond all of these things, I have loved our CC families! They have become an extension of our family. Everyone (without exception) in this group has blessed our family in one way or another. Without them, I would NEVER have ventured out on the field trips we were able to go on. These moms just stepped up when I needed them (without me even having to ask) and took my children under their wings... and mothered them. What an amazing act of love for me and them! Even their daughters would plead to hold the baby to which I responded, "YES, please!" And their sons opened doors for me whether I had my hands full or not. Actually, just tonight one young man opened the door for me and when I said, "thank you," his response was, "it's my pleasure." WOW! Can I sign my boys up for lessons?? :) Those are the boys I want influencing my boys... and they are!

Here are some pictures from CC class (Abecedarians - Mrs. Garrison, Kenyon, Kalyn, and Connor):

The nursery with Ms Marita (Dylan, Chase, Jace, Keira, and Kenzie):

Tonight we had our CC end-of-year celebration. The children were recognized for their achievements this year as were the tutors, moms, and our amazing CC director! The children were also able to recite some of the facts they memorized this year. It was a little sad that this was the end of the school year... but now I'm looking forward to next year.  And for those who aren't returning next year... we will remain close because of the bond we've formed this year.

Here is Connor ready to go to the EOY celebration:

And then he made me take one with his shades... cool dude!

Picture with mom and dad:

Connor - Congratulations on completing your first year of school! You have done such a great job and you have learned SO much! You're now a Kindergartener!! What a terrific young man you are becoming!

Dylan - You have been so much fun this year! You have an amazing love for learning and you have so much zeal and energy! It may take Mommy a little while to figure out the best way to teach you... but please be patient with me. We can't wait to see the great things you will do!

Sam - You have a little while before you officially start "school," but you are going to learn so much from your big brothers. They can't wait to teach you the things they are learning now... Mommy is hoping you learn from their mistakes and don't repeat them. :)

We love you boys SO much! You have blessed our lives more than you will ever know and we know you will all grow to be AMAZING young men! Please remember: put the Lord first in ALL you do, we will always love you no matter what, and never stop learning.

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