Proverbs 24:3-4

By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established;

through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.

Proverbs 24:3-4

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Candle Letter Art

I recently redecorated the boys' bathroom and I'm still working on a few things in there. One thing I wanted to do is have each of their initials on a shelf that holds their wash cloths. I came across some cute candles that went perfectly and I thought I would just put letter stickers on each one. Well, apparently stickers don't stick to wax... so I needed another solution. I looked for letter decorations for candles, but couldn't find any. But while searching for a solution online, I came across this idea:

First, you find a font you like and print out the letters you want on the candles, then cut around them:

Next, place them on the candle and secure them with a few pins:

Go around the edges of each letter with a pin and when you've finished, remove the pins and the paper. You will see the outline of the letter etched into the candle:

Select the color of your pins and cut them so they're not so long (I probably cut about 2/3 of each pin off)

Push the pins in along the pattern of the letter etched in the candle.

Finished product! Not super happy with the C so I may try to fix that one later (that's one thing I really like about this idea... it's forgiving - if you mess up you can just reposition the pins... and there's always the other side of the candle!)

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