This is our first lapbook creation! It is a review of what Connor learned in the 1st 6 weeks of Classical Conversations. All of the materials for the lapbook came from:
I created this one for him so he can work through all of the activities and review the facts he memorized in weeks 1-6. When he gets a little older he will be responsible for making the lapbook himself, but for now, I enjoyed doing it for him. :)
Can't wait to get started on the review lapbook for weeks 7-12!!
“The family should be a closely knit group. The home should be a self-contained shelter of security; a kind of school where life’s basic lessons are taught; and a kind of church where God is honored; a place where wholesome recreation and simple pleasures are enjoyed.” -Billy Graham

Proverbs 24:3-4
By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established;
through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.
Proverbs 24:3-4
through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.
Proverbs 24:3-4
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Connor's Dental Drama (Part 2)
Soooooo happy to report that Connor's dental work he needed is complete! Today's appointment went very well. They actually didn't have to do as much as they initially thought on his right side. They did 2 baby root canals with crowns, but no fillings (initially they thought they would need to do 2 on that side).
I felt so bad taking him this morning because he was crying. He was sedated again, and he calmed down after he took the medicine. This time they started the procedure about 20 minutes after he took the medicine, which was better. Last time they waited an hour and 1/2 and it seemed like it was already starting to wear off by the time they started.
The dentist came and talked to me afterwards. She said when she was finished Connor hugged her and said, "Thank you for fixing my teeth." LOVE that sweet boy!! He is resting comfortably now. :)
I felt so bad taking him this morning because he was crying. He was sedated again, and he calmed down after he took the medicine. This time they started the procedure about 20 minutes after he took the medicine, which was better. Last time they waited an hour and 1/2 and it seemed like it was already starting to wear off by the time they started.
The dentist came and talked to me afterwards. She said when she was finished Connor hugged her and said, "Thank you for fixing my teeth." LOVE that sweet boy!! He is resting comfortably now. :)
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Where does the time go?
I can't help but notice how fast my children are growing up. It seems like yesterday that Connor was born. Each day just races by and while I am trying to create memories with my family, I find it hard to remember them! Most days are just a blur.
So, I started thinking... why is it that each day goes by so quickly and is there anything I can do to slow things down?? I think the main reason is most days are very busy. When I'm very busy, time does go by fast. And I started to evaluate... what are we busy doing? We have school time, play time, arts/crafts time, chores, meals and clean up, diaper changes, feeding the baby, errands, etc... but then there are the things that I "have" to do that I really don't have to do. One of my biggest time wasters is getting online. I turn the computer on and my intent is to look up something very specific, but while I'm on I go ahead and check my e-mail, and oooh, I need to respond to this and follow up on that and look up such and such. An hour later the boys are fighting or crying or have destroyed the entire house (which I haven't noticed while I was doing all those things I just had to do), so I turn off the computer... and never did that specific thing that I got on there to do!! I have other time wasters too, but that is probably the biggest one.
So here is my new plan... 1) I'm going to be better about making daily lists (I love lists!) of have to's vs. would like to's. 2) When I go to check my e-mail or look something up, I'm going to set the timer. And 3) I'm going to start my day earlier. I really like sleeping in, but I know my days would go much more smoothly if I did a few things (like take a shower or have some quiet time) before the children wake up. These are all things within my control to slow things down and enjoy each day more. There are probably more things I can do that I will add to this "new plan" list, but it's past my bed time and I just said I'm going to start getting up earlier!
So, I started thinking... why is it that each day goes by so quickly and is there anything I can do to slow things down?? I think the main reason is most days are very busy. When I'm very busy, time does go by fast. And I started to evaluate... what are we busy doing? We have school time, play time, arts/crafts time, chores, meals and clean up, diaper changes, feeding the baby, errands, etc... but then there are the things that I "have" to do that I really don't have to do. One of my biggest time wasters is getting online. I turn the computer on and my intent is to look up something very specific, but while I'm on I go ahead and check my e-mail, and oooh, I need to respond to this and follow up on that and look up such and such. An hour later the boys are fighting or crying or have destroyed the entire house (which I haven't noticed while I was doing all those things I just had to do), so I turn off the computer... and never did that specific thing that I got on there to do!! I have other time wasters too, but that is probably the biggest one.
So here is my new plan... 1) I'm going to be better about making daily lists (I love lists!) of have to's vs. would like to's. 2) When I go to check my e-mail or look something up, I'm going to set the timer. And 3) I'm going to start my day earlier. I really like sleeping in, but I know my days would go much more smoothly if I did a few things (like take a shower or have some quiet time) before the children wake up. These are all things within my control to slow things down and enjoy each day more. There are probably more things I can do that I will add to this "new plan" list, but it's past my bed time and I just said I'm going to start getting up earlier!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Somebody Needs to Bring Me a Lemon!
Well, I have not been the most patient person today... and my children have definitely been trying it (1 in particular - I won't name names, but his name rhymes with chillin'). Anyway, we have all of the fruits of the spirit represented on a different piece of fruit:
Today, I need somebody to bring me a lemon! I recognize that its something I have not been demonstrating very well today and I'm praying that God will provide the patience I need. Some days with 3 littles are very difficult, but I am so very thankful for every moment with them. Even the hard days are blessings because they are learning experiences and it is on those days that I cling to my Father and draw closer to Him.
- Love - a strawberry (fruit of love - think chocolate covered strawberries)
- Joy - a pineapple (they have a happy smell)
- Self-control - an apple (think Garden of Eden)
- Peace - a "piece" of watermelon (play on words)
- Goodness - a banana (because they are just so yummy!)
- Kindness - grapes (because you can share them)
- Faith - cherries (not really sure why cherries on this one) :)
- Gentleness - a peach (they bruise easily)
- Patience - a lemon (you have to eat it slowly)
Today, I need somebody to bring me a lemon! I recognize that its something I have not been demonstrating very well today and I'm praying that God will provide the patience I need. Some days with 3 littles are very difficult, but I am so very thankful for every moment with them. Even the hard days are blessings because they are learning experiences and it is on those days that I cling to my Father and draw closer to Him.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Being Content
When our children want something, it makes us feel good to give it to them. But, I have noticed as soon as they get what it is they want, they are on to wanting the next thing... its never enough. Today, it hit me like a ton of bricks that we are all like that... that I am like that. Wanting more is inherent in us.
Giving thanks is something that I remember everyday in my prayers. I do give thanks, but I also always ask for more... more guidance, more opportunities, more financial security, etc. Philippians 4:6 tells us "... with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God," so there isn't anything wrong with those prayers, but today I felt compelled to bow at the alter and just give thanks. No buts, no requests, just thanks.
In the same chapter that Paul writes to let your requests be made known to God, he also writes about being content... "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation..." Phil 4:12. Being content is a choice. We can either choose to complain or we can choose to be joyful and trust in our Father, our Creator, our Provider... whatever our circumstances. God knows what is best for us and everything we enjoy or endure is for a purpose.
Thank you, Father, for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and for the sacrifice He made. Thank you for this season of my life I am in right now. Thank you for a faithful, loving husband. Thank you for 3 beautiful, healthy children. Thank you for the rest of our family who provide so much support and encouragement. Thank you for our precious church family who remembers us in prayers. Thank you for the roof over our heads, for clothes in our closets, for the food in our pantry, for the heat pouring out of our vents, and for the water that flows out of our faucets. We know that these are amazing blessings given by You and we are so grateful! In Jesus' precious name, Amen
Giving thanks is something that I remember everyday in my prayers. I do give thanks, but I also always ask for more... more guidance, more opportunities, more financial security, etc. Philippians 4:6 tells us "... with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God," so there isn't anything wrong with those prayers, but today I felt compelled to bow at the alter and just give thanks. No buts, no requests, just thanks.
In the same chapter that Paul writes to let your requests be made known to God, he also writes about being content... "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation..." Phil 4:12. Being content is a choice. We can either choose to complain or we can choose to be joyful and trust in our Father, our Creator, our Provider... whatever our circumstances. God knows what is best for us and everything we enjoy or endure is for a purpose.
Thank you, Father, for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and for the sacrifice He made. Thank you for this season of my life I am in right now. Thank you for a faithful, loving husband. Thank you for 3 beautiful, healthy children. Thank you for the rest of our family who provide so much support and encouragement. Thank you for our precious church family who remembers us in prayers. Thank you for the roof over our heads, for clothes in our closets, for the food in our pantry, for the heat pouring out of our vents, and for the water that flows out of our faucets. We know that these are amazing blessings given by You and we are so grateful! In Jesus' precious name, Amen
Friday, November 25, 2011
Defining Thankfulness
This past Sunday, our church showed this video defining thankfulness... it's beautiful and I wanted to share it. I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving... continue giving thanks... everyday... always.
Click below to view video via youtube:
Defining Thankfulness Video
Click below to view video via youtube:
Defining Thankfulness Video
PSALM 107:1
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Connor's Dental Drama (Part 1)
A couple of weeks ago Connor had his first dentist appointment. I could see that he had a few cavities and I was prepared for them to tell me he needed a few fillings. I was NOT prepared for ALL of the dental work they said he needed! We are very diligent to brush Connor and Dylan's teeth twice a day (no, we don't floss like we should - but we will now!), plus we have heard that juice can lead to tooth decay so we limit their juice to once a day and that is watered down... I thought we were taking all of the necessary precautions. Well, Connor needed 3 baby root canals with 3 crowns and 4 fillings! Yikes! I SO wish we had taken him to the dentist a year ago. That would have been the key to avoiding all of this.
So, they said we would split it up into 2 sessions doing 1 side at a time and he would need sedation each time. At this office, they do concious sedation and I was more than a little nervous. For those of you who know Connor, he can be a little... well... dramatic. I mean, for the first 3 years of his life he cried hysterically every time he got a haircut. I went to another dentist for a second opinion, and he confirmed what the 1st dentist said.
This past Thursday (11-17) Connor had the 1st side done (1 baby root canal with crown and 2 fillings). It went VERY well! He cried some when we first went back to the room and he didn't want to take the medicine. We finally were able to get it in him and he started to calm down. They said it would take about an hour to kick in and they would be back. I was not prepared for what came next. It wasn't bad... just unexpected. I had never seen anyone under conscious sedation, especially not a child. I felt bad for him, but at the same time it was surprisingly funny! He said the funniest things... and you know I had to get some of it on video on my phone. Here is one of the clips:
OK - so here are some of his quotes under sedation (and everything he said was in a very serious tone):
So, they said we would split it up into 2 sessions doing 1 side at a time and he would need sedation each time. At this office, they do concious sedation and I was more than a little nervous. For those of you who know Connor, he can be a little... well... dramatic. I mean, for the first 3 years of his life he cried hysterically every time he got a haircut. I went to another dentist for a second opinion, and he confirmed what the 1st dentist said.
This past Thursday (11-17) Connor had the 1st side done (1 baby root canal with crown and 2 fillings). It went VERY well! He cried some when we first went back to the room and he didn't want to take the medicine. We finally were able to get it in him and he started to calm down. They said it would take about an hour to kick in and they would be back. I was not prepared for what came next. It wasn't bad... just unexpected. I had never seen anyone under conscious sedation, especially not a child. I felt bad for him, but at the same time it was surprisingly funny! He said the funniest things... and you know I had to get some of it on video on my phone. Here is one of the clips:
- I think I'm going to name this dog Tip....... because........ because....... what did I just say? (after I reminded him)... Oh yeah, I'm going to name this dog Tip Jerry Wally, after Deeda. (Deeda is what he calls my dad, Jerry Waldrop) :)
- I feel like I'm moving (heard at the end of the attached clip). I really like this chair. Can we swipe it? I wonder how we could fold it up and get it in the van.
- This room is very silly.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Our family worship play!
Chris and I started doing a nightly family worship time with the boys not too long ago. We started in Genesis (and we are still in Genesis). We knew we would have to keep it short and sweet since they are still so young, but we didn't realize how big of a challenge keeping their focus even for a very short period of time would be. They fidget, look around, touch each other, snicker, etc., etc., etc. It usually takes both of us correcting them the whole time.
Chris wasn't home last night and I tried to do it on my own, and after about 4 minutes of Dylan running around and not listening to me telling him to sit down over and over again, the baby screaming, and Connor's attention completely focused on all of this commotion, guess what I did... gave up! I knew that if I wanted to try this again and be successful, I needed a plan! And, not just for tonight, but going forward... something to keep their attention and get them involved.
Tonight's lesson was on Pharaoh putting Joseph in charge of all of Egypt (Genesis 41:41-57). So, I had them act it out and we did it earlier so they weren't as tired and we could do it outside. There were a few hiccups, but overall I think it went much better than it normally does. This picture is of Connor (Pharaoh) putting a necklace, as well as a robe and ring, on Dylan (Joseph). Love it!
Chris wasn't home last night and I tried to do it on my own, and after about 4 minutes of Dylan running around and not listening to me telling him to sit down over and over again, the baby screaming, and Connor's attention completely focused on all of this commotion, guess what I did... gave up! I knew that if I wanted to try this again and be successful, I needed a plan! And, not just for tonight, but going forward... something to keep their attention and get them involved.
Tonight's lesson was on Pharaoh putting Joseph in charge of all of Egypt (Genesis 41:41-57). So, I had them act it out and we did it earlier so they weren't as tired and we could do it outside. There were a few hiccups, but overall I think it went much better than it normally does. This picture is of Connor (Pharaoh) putting a necklace, as well as a robe and ring, on Dylan (Joseph). Love it!
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Blogging... huh???
OK, so this is my first time blogging and I know NOTHING of the blogging world, including how to create a page... so please be patient with me as I try to figure this all out. I really wanted to just create a place where I could share what's going on in our lives, but also give me an outlet to get all of my thoughts out on "paper". I feel like there is a whirlwind going on in there and hopefully this will create a way to give some order to the chaos. I don't even know how I will find the time to write blogs, but lots of people do it everyday... so I can too... right?? Any advice for a first time blogger would be much appreciated!
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